Individualized Anger Management for Doctors

These are NOT online classes or groups, but one-on-one, physician-to-physician coaching for anger.

Managing Disruptive Physicians in

Seattle, Washington

Coaching for Physicians is located between Santa Fe and Albuquerque, NM. You can schedule an appointment by telephone or Zoom, from your home, or office, in Seattle.

We offer an individualized anger management program for disruptive physicians and surgeons. Disruptive physician behavior often includes unhelpfulness or rudeness but in some cases may deteriorate into abusive or even violent behavior. When doctors intimidate or disrupt their peers, or other staff members, medical errors may occur and patient safety is affected. It also contributes to poor patient satisfaction and increases the cost of care. Disruptive physician behavior is also a major factor in high nurse turnover and it is widely recognized that patient safety and quality of care depend on good relationships, communication and teamwork.

đź“Ś If you are a doctor...
remember, not all angry doctors are disruptive but it is a label used by some to describe a doctor’s behavior. If you, or a loved one, has started to develop issues with anger it is wise to seek help with an anger management coach before this label is applied to you. In other words, it is best for you to get anger management training before it is mandated by someone else, like an administrator, disciplinary board or judge. Some distressed physician programs paint a picture of a physician out of control. In our experience, when a physician is made aware of their disruptive behavior in an appropriate way, most are willing to make an effort to change their style of communication. Physicians are often the victims of bullying from other members of the healthcare team, including administrators, nurses and other doctors. One study suggests that physicians self identify as victims of bullying more than nurses. Our course can help you develop the skills you need to respond to bullying in an assertive, non-aggressive way.

đź“Ś If you are an administrator, lawyer or physician executive...
if you need to manage a disruptive physician remember disruptive behavior often begins with unhelpfulness or rudeness. However in some cases it deteriorates into abusive or even violent behavior. When doctors intimidate or disrupt their peers or other staff members medical errors may occur. It also contributes to poor patient satisfaction and increases the cost of care. Nine out of ten physicians agree that disruptive physician behavior may affect patient care. Developing a disruptive physician behavior policy and managing disruptive physician is a challenge for any medical group or hospital. Our disruptive physician program can help you manage a disruptive physician on your staff. We also offer online CME training for anger management that is self-paced. Our program is listed as a resource by the Federation of State Medical Boards in their directory of physician assessment and remedial education programs.